This item is only available during certain seasons, and its availability is dependent upon weather conditions. Ingredients like this are fantastic hallmarks of their seasons.
Donko Shiitake mushrooms, also known as 'Flower Mushrooms', are known for their meaty, chewy texture and smoky, umami-rich flavor. Perfect for making a mushroom dashi or simply sautéeing, Donko Shiitakes are as versatile as they are delicious.
These Donkos are sustainably cultivated on oak logs that have been inoculated with shiitake fungi. This farm utilizes raw materials, whole systems composting practices, and modern techniques to produce environmentally responsible and consistently delicious mushrooms.
This is a freshly harvested, perishable item that we recommend utilizing promptly upon arrival.
This item will be overnighted to you in order to maintain its quality. If any item in your cart is perishable, your entire order will be overnighted. Exceptionally large shipments may incur additional charges.