Readily Available
This item is available throughout the year, and we proudly regard it as a staple of our catalog. If it is not in stock at the moment, it will likely be replenished soon.
Platinum is one the rarest classifications on the caviar spectrum, with only 5% of the harvest technically qualifying for this designation. In addition to its distinctive color, Platinum Osetra must be of a certain size and quality, and is made from sustainably farm-raised acipenser gueldenstaedtii, more commonly referred to as Osetra or Russian Sturgeon, a slightly smaller and more slowly maturing relative to the famed Beluga Sturgeon. The texture of this caviar is firm, with a nutty flavor, a briskly briny aftertaste, and an indulgently buttery resonant mouthfeel. This is among the most impressive, distinct caviar options in our lineup.
Caviar is one of our most important and beloved collections, and we are incredibly proud to carry a line of exquisite-quality, sustainably produced offerings prepared exclusively for Regalis. Our partners bring decades of fishing and production experience to their Netherlands-based sturgeon farm, fusing efficient, ethical, and modern sensibilities with refined palates. Under the guidance of veritable masters of the caviar trade whose families have sustained the highest quality practices in Russian and Caspian caviar for generations, all of their caviars are made without the use of borax, pasteurization methods, coloring agents, or any other unscrupulous techniques. Their diligence not only yields luxuriously delicious offerings, but guarantees 100% traceability from fish to jar, and introduces unparalleled consistency throughout the year.
Produced in the Netherlands
This is a freshly harvested, perishable item that we recommend utilizing promptly upon arrival.
This item will be overnighted to you in order to maintain its quality. If any item in your cart is perishable, your entire order will be overnighted. Exceptionally large shipments may incur additional charges.